(no subject)

Ah, what to say?

I seem to be suffering a seasonally-enhanced melancholy. Less daylight has an effect. So do the holidays. As much as I am an introvert and find gatherings of people to be wearying, I have to acknowledge there's a sort of validation to it. Without interaction with others, life rapidly starts to feel pointless - or at least not rewarding. It's difficult to feel connected and involved in anything when you have trouble finding someone to even share thoughts and experiences with. And while holiday visits are often burdensome in my experience, they are enjoyable at the time and make such days feel special. And I do seem to have some psychological expectation for certain days being "special" in some way. When they aren't, even if they aren't bad, it makes them incredibly disappointing. That sucks.

My WoW play has tapered off some, though I still like Legion and I'm occasionally surprised by the new Suramar content being released every week, even if it may only be half a dozen quests at a time. GW2 is still mostly about guild missions for me, though when I log on I feel some desire to go earn more mastery points. The Division has been much improved in recent patches, and is still fairly fun to play even though I haven't delved into the Survival mode - it actually sounds really cool, but I complete tune out because of the PVP aspects. I started a second Tyranny play-through so I can see some different paths, though I occasionally have issues choosing different options. I've recently looked at a couple different games, but I think I'm going to try to hold off 'til Christmas.

The Sunday D&D game is going pretty well, though it's been hampered by absences. We're in the middle of a big confrontation that may be sort of a chapter ending for the venture into the ice marsh. LoG&S continues online with much the same flow as it has had. Faire has been some fun scenes, some pleasant diversions, and a lot of just being there. Schedule/interest conflicts pretty much kill anything in Jezra's corner of the player base - either I'm embroiled in something distracting, or others are. I've started working with a new character, Tsubasa, but it remains to be seen how much traction that gets.

I still need to do more Christmas shopping, which annoys me. I have enough trouble thinking of anything I might want which wouldn't just be more stuff sitting around collecting dust and taking up space, but picking things for other people... rawrgh. That alone would make me find the season frustrating.

I finished a couple books recently, but somehow going into detail about them seems like overkill when no one else I talk to is actively reading the same stuff. Cast in Flight was another Chronicles of Elantra book - that means it's enjoyable to read, but doesn't feel particularly deep or anything. There was Magic Binds, another Kate Daniels book - similarly enjoyable without being life-altering. The Blood Mirror continues Brent Weeks' Lightbringer series, which has a lot more substance to it and demonstrates some pretty awesome unreliable narration. At this point, though, it feels like he might be placing too much emphasis on injecting new twists and depths into each volume rather than working toward a conclusion. It's still quite good in general with a lot of excellent details and really few things I would complain about. And I read The Devil Your Know, the last of Erin Evans' Brimstone Angels series. I really got to loving those characters and their (sometimes messed-up) family dynamics. I'm sad that the series has ended, though it did a decent job of wrapping things up at the end (even if they got tangled along the way).
I'm still waiting for the next Dresden Files book, even if that's becoming a guilty pleasure, and the last (seriously, how?) of Rothfuss' Kingkiller series.


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