(WoW) Legion p3

A couple weeks in and still entertaining.

I still love a lot of the little things - level scaling in Legion zones, better (though not total) sharing of mob and resource node tags, and such. Shortly after level 110, you get a whistle that'll get you picked up and carried to the nearest flight master - convenience that works as a good compromise for the current lack of mounted flight. World quests fill the usefulness-slot of dailies, but by reusing leveling assault objectives and some quests. I could see some of them getting old, but the system works fairly well. Rewards even seem to scale to some degree, at least.

I have some mixed feelings about professions. The quests they've put into those make things decidedly more interesting than buying a pattern and grinding it repeatedly to level up skill points. On the down side, they effectively gate some things past the point of really being useful. I think I've run four dungeons at level cap and I just picked up the patterns for the demonsteel set - which is item level 815 to my average of 821. And with additional steps required to get access to materials that upgrade those armor pieces, I suspect I'll have gear that's as good or better acquired by the time I could potentially get something to the maximum 840 or 850 (whatever it is). So... funner than just grinding, but not rating as very useful.

I still absolutely most love the class content. Totally filling my paladin class fantasy there, no doubt about it.

Only done a handful of dungeons at normal difficulty so far. None of them were truly hard, though Eye of Azshara was long and somewhat frustrating to deal with.


  1. Well, ilvl 840 is about where you want to be for running Mythic Dungeons anyway..

  2. I just feel like the 815 stuff is not particularly useful to me at this stage. And by the time I can user obliterum to upgrade any of it to a maximum of 850, I'll probably have stuff at about that level from dungeons and/or LFR. None of the (blacksmithing) craftables are really as competitive as the stuff in WoD (where they had to limit you to 3).


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