
Showing posts from September, 2016

Dreamin' Oddly

Days are getting shorter and the equinox is coming up, but dang these dark, clouded mornings making it hard to actually get up out of bed. Blarrrrgle! And... I was in the middle of dreaming of a third live-action GI Joe movie (haven't even seen more than clips of the second). It was... weird. Snake Eyes was able to talk. The Joes were sort of renegade and cruising around doing questionable things, including hunting some lost gold. At least half a dozen characters on both sides were getting married. There was also an odd amount of PG-13 toplessness. The special effects were pretty bad. And yet there was this sense of humor that somehow put the movie in a so-bad-it's-actually-good category. Yeaaah, I'm not going to try to analyze that.

(WoW) Legion p3

A couple weeks in and still entertaining. I still love a lot of the little things - level scaling in Legion zones, better (though not total) sharing of mob and resource node tags, and such. Shortly after level 110, you get a whistle that'll get you picked up and carried to the nearest flight master - convenience that works as a good compromise for the current lack of mounted flight. World quests fill the usefulness-slot of dailies, but by reusing leveling assault objectives and some quests. I could see some of them getting old, but the system works fairly well. Rewards even seem to scale to some degree, at least. I have some mixed feelings about professions. The quests they've put into those make things decidedly more interesting than buying a pattern and grinding it repeatedly to level up skill points. On the down side, they effectively gate some things past the point of really being useful. I think I've run four dungeons at level cap and I just picked up the patterns ...

(WoW) Legion p2

The fight against the Legion continues! With an extended weekend, I didn't have too much trouble getting my paladin to the new level cap of 110 and get into Suramar (though I haven't finished out Stormheim yet). Suramar quests start dropping artifact power like candy. Just like candy, however, it's not very fulfilling to get 100-300 power when your next artifact trait is 7000 points away. Pretty much all my quest chains at this point (class hall, professions, etc.) involve delving into dungeons for various things. That's a little bit of a roadblock to me until guildmates are ready, though I might try to dust off my Retribution skills and PUG as DPS. We'll see there. Technically, this has been a pretty darn smooth expansion launch. I had some disconnection issues one evening, but no queue times logging in. There have been crowds in a few places, but I never felt overwhelmed and rarely have had to wait for target spawns. That's all good. Also, though Blizzard ...