State of the Games

Well, I haven't been involved in RP offline in quite a while now. Just too hard to gather motivation and align schedules. Ah well.

Online, the Lords of Gossamer and Shadows rolls on. 'tis weekly entertainment, though I'm still perhaps not as into it as I could possibly be. The combination of roster turnover, anything-goes setting, and such contributes to a certain sense of aimlessness. There's also a small D&D (5E) game I've managed a few sessions as player in, set in the MtG realm of Innistrad. That's been interesting, if young yet. And I need to get back to running scenes based in Rym, even if that's just for one person, really.

WoW has been on my mind a fair bit the last few weeks with the Legion announcement, but at the same time, my interest in actually playing the game currently seems to be waning. After a big push Saturday, I'm at 30/33 tomes for the (I think) final collection stage of the legendary ring, so I should be able to finish that up in the coming week. But after that... uhh... I don't really have much in the way of goals. I suppose I'll want to down Archimonde at least once on LFR, which is another week and change out. I'm not sure I have much reason to keep my account active after that, though. It might be time to sit back out until the pre-Legion events start up, unless I get the urge to level up another alt.

In FFXIV, I've been able to finish the Heavensward initial story content and unlock all the dungeons. There's still some gearing up I can do, though as I don't expect to raid, I might have seen all there is to see until the next content patch on that. I haven't burned out on things there yet, though.

In GW2, I almost thought major guild stuff had gone down without any drama. Then I caught some drama. Heh. The handful of friends who brought me into Avalon's Wraiths (the guild with which I've been running missions almost weekly for... a long time now) reached a breaking point as far as things they didn't like in the management of the guild. The guild leader was pretty controlling and... stuff. I don't even know it all, and that's fine. They shifted over to start up another guild and I decided to go with. I like running guild missions, but don't have a pressing need to, as I'm sitting on 400+ commendations. I'm not sure if the new setup has the staying power to work out long term, but I suppose we'll see.

Some article pointed out Empyrion: Galactic Survival to me recently. It's like Minecraft in space! Well, give or take. It's still in "pre-alpha," which is generally a major turn-off to me, but also fairly inexpensive and looked reasonably good enough to try out even at this early stage. And I rather enjoyed some hours with it, probably getting my money's worth. Of course, like similar survival games it starts out very interesting and with some tension, but as you build up a safety net with a reasonably self-sustaining base, you reach a sort of plateau where the challenge drops off abruptly. "Okay, I have all the ore and can build everything now potentially, but... why?" Still, it's probably something I'll come back to months down the line after some updates and check out again.

And tomorrow, in addition to being reset day that will let me finish tome collection in WoW, Thursday (why do I keep thinking Tuesday?) is the release for Shadowrun Returns: Hong Kong. That was one of the handful of Kickstarters I've backed, since the team had proven itself with SRR and Dragonfall already. I'm looking forward to some more Shadowrun-y goodness from this installment.


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