
I feel sort of floaty, adrift, aimless...

In a lot of ways, that's not uncommon of me being thoughtful or introspective, really. And prior to the medication, it would probably spiral down to a much darker place.

The week's not been bad. Heck, a "quiet" day-shift week at work means things are going pretty well in general. Of course, it also means there are projects being pushed out for one reason or another, so there's nothing to really sink my teeth into and do.

I've been reading anthologies this week - finished one and halfway through another. I thought it might be a nice change of pace with less investment. That might just be unseating me further.

Games are... what they are. I'm reaching 6.2 goal-markers (level 3 shipyard, exalted with a couple factions, closing in on finishing the mission-based legendary requirements), if still 7/33 for raid-bits - that'll take several more weeks due to the way its done. I'm plot-blocked at level 54 in FFXIV until I clear Somn Al. GW2 still doesn't have much "new" of interest, though I suppose I could get off my duff and run some Citadel of Flame for legendary-bits. Gossamer and Shadows has a few interesting threads and dynamics buried under a pile of tangents and possibilities. And I'm undecided on whether to steer the plot I started with Rei and Wren on Furryfaire in a direction more appealing to him or to me.

So... I dunno... I feel slightly toward unhappy on the emotional spectrum, but things could be a lot worse.


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