WoW and Stuff

Well, patch 6.2 is coming out next week. That's a little less notice than I expected. It might even be a little sooner than I expected, but I'm a pessimist that way. ;) Of course, raid wings will be staggered, so it'll take a bit of winding up before I can even chain run LFR if I want. I'm sure I'll be getting into the shipyard and Tanaan, though since those are... uhh... about it for my playstyle these days? I'm curious how the mythic dungeons will shake out, but it sounds like they'll be too difficult to be worth the effort for me, and nothing else looks very rewarding.

They recently had a developer host a Q&A session that brought out a lot of... uncharacteristically frank comments. None of what was said really surprised me, but some of how it was said did. Blizzard needs to work on foresight. They've got the hindsight down to a science, but the company/developers for WoW are prone to wild, extreme swings in design and last minute changes that really don't fix anything.

Meanwhile, GW2 has set a price point for its expansion, though still no date. $50 is a bit higher than I would have liked to see, but in the realm of "acceptable" assuming sufficient amounts of content. I'm still waiting to see how the lateral progress concept works at this stage and whether these fancy "elite specs" actually mean anything to thief-playing me. They've also shown off some on their upcoming guild halls, which looks a little like overkill to me. Also the mention of "small guilds" as 15 members may put a hall out of reach for ARIN (though not AW by any means). Lots of waiting and seeing.

And, y'know, if WoW 6.2 weren't enough for the 23rd, there's also Arkham Knight releasing the same day. Heh. May have to hold off on that one for a bit.


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