WoW 6.2
I'm a little surprised at how well today's The Queue column at BlizzardWatch accurately conveys my feelings about the patch thus far in its second answer. I've been pulled out of my garrison, which is good I guess, but the shipyard stuff feels rough in ways the follower missions don't (because you can not only fail missions but actually lose ships) and is still done at a less-convenient table. The dailies and such out in Tanaan feel kind of grindy already. It doesn't help that a lot of the mobs are fairly beefy level 100s. I don't have much problem with my paladin, but I know taking my shadow priest out there will be painful and frustrating. LFR won't start opening 'til next week, I believe. I like the treasures and the rares and the scenery is fine, but nothing has wowed me and I was expecting more accessible zone story instead of things that seem to be locked behind reputations and quests. And felblight is annoyingly rare when you want to be able to...