Avengers: Age of Ulton

Pretty good movie, keeping up current Marvel tradition.

It feels a bit too long, but I'm not sure what I would cut out, save perhaps some bits of the extended fight scenes. Giving focus to several of the characters and their fears individually does stretch things out, but it serves a worthwhile purpose. And it gives us a rampaging Hulk for a dose of team/crossover-comic hero-vs-hero action (though there's definitely less of that than the first one). Ultron feels very different from what I would have expected.

And yes, the best line may very well be that perfectly delivered, "I'm sorry."

The movie also does a good job of laying the ground work for a (mostly) different team. I think that's probably necessary in the movie business. About the only thing I can say at this point that strikes me as lacking is the surprise factor of the original. Expectations are a lot higher these days. Oh, and the after-(or rather mid-)credits scene isn't as fun. Teasing Thanos at this point is just plain redundant.

I was a little surprised at the death of Quicksilver. A little. I mean, it is a Joss Whedon film, so someone has to die, right? At that moment, though, I couldn't help but wonder if that was a move designed to put distance between the Marvelverse movies and X-men films (film rights being held by a different studio, and they used Quicksilver in Days of Future Past).

RDJ's Stark is still a scene-stealer and plot device in the best of ways. Ultron even gets to borrow some of his snarkiness. I'm not sure if things will be as fun to watch when he's phased out

The hammer scene is great. I'm not sure how I feel about Vision being "worthy" though. I think he only wins over Cap's idealism by virtue of his "youth."

Also, Banner? Dick move. Really. I get it, but still.

Oddly... in spite of me reading otherwise, I did not see a Force Awakens trailer. Not that I terribly mind at this point.


  1. The Force Awakens trailer is the one that showed the crashed Star Destroyer on a desert. (Tattooine?) Glad you enjoyed the film. Stark is certainly very character-ful. Another friend of mine thought he "Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door. yay!" was the best line.

  2. Stark got several good lines. I'm really not sure if the banter will be as fun with a new team that lacks him. Though I understand he's going to be in Cap 3: Civil War and I have trouble imagining they're going to not revisit these original Avengers in the Infinity War movies, so I'm not sure when we'll see the new group, exactly.


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