Oog. Blar. And I dunno...

Snowdown week, I guess I's appropriate to have it snowing at least a little out, though it's mostly amounting to wet and gray rather than prettily snowy. And with a birthday coming up, I feel like I should find something special to do (that's usually my recommendation to others), but I've got nothin'. Not even a movie in theaters I want to go see. Mind you, I've already received more gifts than I would have asked for, which is nice, but still I find myself mostly wanting to just rest and relax at home - which isn't particularly unusual.

And work has been a subtle drag lately. It's not that anything truly bad or stressful is going on, but... my boss/co-tech's procrastination is wearing on me. I try to be understanding, but I think it's been three days in the last week that he's taken off with only last minute notification and even when he hasn't, it has felt like he went home right after I did, with nothing being accomplished. That printer he said he would set up Monday night would probably only take about fifteen minutes, and I actually saw him looking at and comparing the adapters that he didn't get around to ordering. I'm a little worried. Heck, if little things like that slipping through the cracks weren't fairly normal, I'd be seriously worried, but this seems worse than usual.

And speaking of worry, I'm still worried about . The lack of work was bad enough, but filling out paperwork about divorce and child support - I can see how that would be stressful and intimidating. I feel like the answers should be there to be found, but I can't say for certain they are. I don't know what forms are in play or anything like that. And I'm certainly no law expert.

MUCKing, I find myself dwelling a lot on the seemingly-insurmountable issues of differing interests and play styles. It's an ongoing road block whenever I try to do anything with .

Eh... so feeling a little down in general...


  1. Sorry I'm so difficult. : Actually, one thing did come to mind - rather than making something 'personal', with personal stakes, what about characters helping others? I'm thinking sort of like with classic D&D - we go out, we do good because it is the right thing to do (or for pay). There's less personal crisis involved.


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