Guardians of the Galaxy

Well that was pretty great.

There's a lot of sci-fi action, and a bunch of people get blasted or blown up - albeit in non-graphic ways. There's a charming hero/point-of-view character who fits the likable rogue model. There's nothing that really took me out of the movie. All that would be enough for a good film in my book.

This movie also has some good music that's well integrated and almost a character in its own right. And Rocket may be CG, but he gets plenty of lines and they almost steal the show. The atmosphere and attitude in general makes the whole thing a playful, thrilling adventure.

All together, that makes this a great movie in my book. I laughed more than any movie I can recall in recent times, and yet it feels more like an action-adventure than a comedy - it's just got that many funny moments without breaking the story. I won't use the word "perfect" to describe it, but I had some pretty high expectations for this film, and the joyful experience of actually watching knocked it out of the park.


  1. Coming from you, this is glowing praise. :) Looking forward to it on Tuesday.


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