
Always a question of what to say...

Work's work, but not bad. I really should get off my duff and do some cleaning around the house at home, though it's hard to find the time and motivate for my own sake. I've gotten out for some weekend hikes, which is good, though the abrupt veering of the weather this last weekend blocked me on that. I'm a couple weeks away from vacation time, so that's on my mind as I try to get ducks in a row.

Guild Wars 2 is about the same. We shifted ARIN play nights to Saturdays, but the last couple weeks I've logged on to no one there. Perhaps my timing is off. Not that there's a lot to do with that guild anyway when it amounts to a group of two or three people running around. AW still does Sunday afternoon missions. I actually made my first piece of ascended armor - ooo, ahhh - and I'm not sure if I'll keep the look or not, longer-term. Apparently we get some rebuilding of Lion's Arch content next week. I know it hasn't been anything like the wait for content with and end-of-patch cycle in WoW, but after seeing stuff pushed out every two weeks for several months, the stretch from the end of Scarlet Briar has felt like a drought.

I'm still fairly aimless on the MUCK side of things. I readily make observations about how difficult it gets to run continuing plots once you get past about two people, or how difficult it is to find the comfort level and motivation to really run plots at all. But for all the observing and reflecting, there's little doing of anything about it on my part. I find that troubling.

I'm still playing Dark Souls 2. It feels a lot like the first, though there are subtle differences. There's a little less claustrophobic feeling to things, and fewer "whoa, this is connected?" shortcuts (the bonfire travel makes that largely unnecessary). I've seen almost no invasions from other players outside a couple areas that focus on PVP-centric covenants (making progress in these areas is almost impossible without going offline). Deeper in the game (probably the last 20%), I seem to have noticed more deceptive messages, however, and I had the interesting experience in one area of being summoned (as a friendly) into someone's world only to be attacked by other players (presumably summoned to duel). That seemed a particularly interesting, if underhanded, trick. Most of the allied summoning back and forth has been a positive experience for me.


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