Roleplaying Summaries

Ramblings upon roleplayings...

Let's see... Offline, our Aeranos fantasy game reached a break point, so we've shifted gears elsewhere for a while and the Order of the Swan is on hiatus with some loose plans to pick up ten in-game years, give or take, down the line. The overall mission rates a success, though we lost of the the NPCs we were trying to save along the way, and out last-minute desperate manuever rendered both party healers unconscious and one very nearly dead. Woo!

So we've turned out attention there back to our modern urban fantasy Northport game. Considering we haven't played that in quite a while, there's been some catching up. We re-converted out of Dresden Files RPG to, more or less, the same system as in use for Aeranos. That took some sort for all the characters. Mine was easy enough translating stats over from the original Unisystem, but he's gone from having a handful of invocations in Unisystem to high caster stats in DFRPG to a really large spell list in ARPG. Whee. There's also been some reading to catch up, though most of our session notes are turn-by-turn recountings rather than summaries of events, making it kind of painful to read through and hard to find the important stuff. But we're mostly there. Just need to find the next good time to play (which is not looking like this week) and find the right mental crazy level to get back into character fully.

Jezra survived Winter Court in Naipon. I'm not sure if the marriage drama at the beginning was worse than dealing with an eye-stealing, shapeshifting demon or not. Kinda close, albeit in different ways. But in the end, the day was saved, more or less. Jezra has a lot of repairs to do and naturally wants to make improvements, though I worry a little that her magitech might be making her too powerful.

Hmm... Furryfaire otherwise is in kind of a continuing lull as I fail to really find any way to generate RP that interests me at all. Though someone mentioned the Chey Sart plot last night, which... ugh... it simultaneously makes me want to get involved to do something about and just ignore it completely. There are so many reasons why it doesn't work well, I could make a whole ranting post about that (and may have already done so)...

We've got a Star Wars game running online, too. While our GM seems to like to bog people down with things to do ( :P ), things seem to be going okay in general. The appearance of a Dread Master dropped a big threat around, though it isn't directly aimed at the PCs. The hyperspace bugs were a little big random, but not bad. Getting caught on a living world has been an interesting diversion. I still have no idea how we're going to deal with an anti-cybernetic, but Force-technology-interfacing alien invasion fleet, but hey - improvisation! I've come up with sort of a long-term goal for my character (reforging the Sith Empire), but it's so huge that I have no clue as to how to get there. Maybe the alien fleet can be turned into some sort of power base, but winning them over sounds... ludicrous. I suppose Exar Kun pulled it off with the Mandalorians...

And on the side, Seara has staged a coup in the fantastical City of Brass. Seara is... at once a fascinating character to me and one that can be hard to get into. She takes after Mika in a lot of ways, but while I could sum up a "golden age" Mika as "one part Lina Inverse, one part space pirate Ryouko," I'm not sure I can do the same with Seara. She's got a lot of power at her beck and call, and she has no particular qualms about using even the most dark and demony of it (as opposed to Caelan, who comes to fear his own powers). She has some desire for her own ship, and city, and nation, and... Yet she's also pretty moral when you get down to it, trying to do what's "right" in most cases. She's jealous of the close, loving relationships she sees around her, yet she's not really sure she could embrace one if she found it.


  1. Seara? I've not heard of her. Tell me more? :)

  2. From what is arguably Furryfaire "extended universe," though I don't know of much in her case that goes against canon... Seara S'yalin is the daughter of Ralyn and the demoness Lysriel. She's a Shadow/Infernal sorceress (naturally), shapeshifter, half-demon, usually-tigress. She fell in with Khaibit, a... erm... yeah, I still have trouble explaining him. He was sort of a doppleganger of Kyn'Elwynn created by his time travel attempts, a sphinx in form but initially "heartless" with a compulsion to kill the Shadow Mage and more or less take his place. As time has gone on, though, he's been shaped some by Seara's essence in some healing spells - something she frets over, fearing she's making him too like her and less an individual (which one could argue he may not have been to begin with). Relatively "recently," Seara has taken up control of Mika's tower in the infernal realms, since Mika has sort of moved beyond that. So, yeah, she's taking after Mika in a lot of ways, though her personality is different to me. She can go between insecure teenager, seductive demoness and overconfident spellcaster pretty easily, but hasn't quite found the most comfortable niche for herself.


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