Prelim: AC: Liberation

I'm not exactly a huge Assassin's Creed series fan. I'm aware of it, certain. I played AC 1 and AC 4. My general feelings from the sidelines are 2 might have been worthwhile, but I didn't really miss anything by sitting out 3 (though I did end up watching some of that in video walkthrough form). 4 was pretty darn good, though the real highlight of the game was playing pirate, and that isn't a series feature.

But in the middle of all that, there came to be Assassin's Creed: Liberation. When I saw it, I thought it looked interesting enough I might want to pick that one up and play. Story-wise, it involves some race/class/gender issues that look like they might actually elevate the story. And a female lead? Interesting, and in no way a deterrent. Yep, male player who has no qualms about playing a story featuring a female character - suck on that, marketing execs! The problem? It was published on the PS Vita only.

Well, that's no longer the case. It was just released, with HD remastered visuals, for multiple platforms (I believe PS3, PC, and X360). And at $20, I picked it up. I've probably only played about 15 minutes or so. From that time, I can say a few things seem apparent to me (though I could be proven wrong later):
- The game lacks the elegance, scope, and detail of the PS3 AC4, but it doesn't look bad. The Vita heritage shows most obviously in the brevity of cut scenes and (reasonable short) loading times between them and the active play, making it feel like the game is being served up in smaller chunks, which it basically is.
- It doesn't feel quite as smooth as AC4, but seems to play well so far.
- I already like Aveline more than Edward.


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