Workblargh and Nostalgia

Work's been increasingly crazy this week, and not just for having Monday off. We're moving/upgrading a major database this weekend - well, one of our software vendors is doing that part, we're just trying to make sure everything is working for it and after it. This means I'll definitely be in this weekend some amount, though I don't expect a lot. And I'll be in Monday morning to help smooth over whatever problems arise, even though I'm technically on night shifts next week. More schedule disruption. Whee. There are so many little tiny things to keep in mind, shortcuts to redirect, files to edit with new paths, and... probably stuff I haven't even figured out yet.
It doesn't help, in my book, that we're moving to a Windows Server 2012 server, and that OS is based on Windows 8 as far as interface. Again, Win 8 isn't bad per se, but the interface itself is worse than Win 7 unless you have a touch screen. And when you also layer on people connecting to the server via remote desktop... from Macs... it only gets messier.

Of all things, I seem to have GI Joe a little on my mind. I picked up the mobile Battleground game a while back and have been poking away at it now and again. So far, I have not hit the wall of "pay or be bored and feel useless" though I suspect it's still in there. Seeing all the "action figures" brings back memories, and has occasionally had me looking up to remember who a character was or some tangential bit of information.
One conclusion I've reached was I may have been spoiled as a child. Even though I probably would have argued otherwise, living with a single mom trying to make her way in California, I'm rather amazed at how many figures and vehicles I actually owned. Sure, I didn't own a Night Raven (though a friend did), but my air power did include a Rattler, a Conquest X-30, a Mamba, a Stiletto, and probably more. It's a wonder I managed to haul even a majority of my GI Joe assortment in a backpack when staying overnight with friends.
It also feels like that period went on so much longer, but looking at the release dates, I must have started collecting in about 1983 and tapered off to a few figures, but no vehicles, from the 1989/1990 runs. So that's 7 years, give or take a little bit. I suppose that's a lot longer at that age.
I also remember that as much as I followed the TV series, the Marvel comic series was so much more awesome (it had a continuity!). I remember the destruction of the Pit, and the civil war on Cobra Island fondly. It makes me want to dig those issues out and go through them again.


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