Escapism, Less-Than-Wise Choices...

This repeatedly-postponed upgrade at work is stressing me out by looming constantly. I mean, I've reached a point where it's something of a joke, and I'm not quite as tense about it as I have been at times, but it just hasn't gone away and I'm sick of waiting until the last minute to find out if I get a weekend. It already fouled up half of this last Saturday for me without going through.
I was hoping yesterday might be a bit restful at work, but then things got busy instead. Work's definitely been occupying more of my headspace these days. And with parents over Thursday night to be taken to the airport Friday morning, and the a probably RP night Friday night, I feel like I'm juggling with no time to myself. I'm sure it doesn't help that next week would have been time off if our almost-vacation to Binghamton hadn't fallen through. I feel like I need some time off, but I'm not getting any - at least until this blasted upgrade is not looming with "maybe this weekend!"
So last night... I kept things relatively low-key. Some conversation online, but no real RP. I did some reading. I logged off a little bit early, and should have gone to bed. But... I kept reading. I blame it on a mix between story-obsession and simply wanting more not-normal time to escape the usual concerns of life. Whatever the case, it was probably not a good idea to start off my week staying up reading until after 2 am and then tossing and turning for quite a while before actually getting to sleep, on a morning my alarm was set for 6:30. I feel... well, better than I would expect, but not great.

So... I finished Magic Rises, another in the Kate Daniels series. In retrospect, I'm feeling like I want to classify the series as less "urban" fantasy. I mean, it's set in a modern world caught in a tug-of-war between magic and technology, but because technology tends to break down during magic waves while magic just turns off during tech time, society really has slipped away from modern civilization. That's okay, though, the setting works regardless of category.
By the second fight, I was musing over the contrast with the Kitty Norville series. Kitty talks - I respect that, but the latest installment proves that can be a bit boring sometimes. Kate (and most of the were-folk she hangs out with) is an ass-kicker. Without regeneration and healing magic, the fights in this series would be a whole lot more lethal. They're already bloody, and the big showdowns often have a cost paid by the supporting cast.
I like the pack politics, and there's a good bit of it this time out. I like seeing the view presented by the bad guy largely because it's a reminder of how easy it is to label people "other" and consider them less than human. The relationship side of things feels a little bit overblown to me, but I'll allow that it fits the stubborn, partly-broken characters.
Overall, I'm still enjoying the series and looking forward to the next one.

GTA V is out already? Heh. I'm torn. Part of me says, "Hey, there's a cool new game to play! It'll be worth the money, so get it early!" Part of me says, "Do I really want another thing to sink time into this week when I already feel harried and busy?"


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