Slept early and extra, but not terribly well. I had a somewhat disturbing dream that woke me up. Not really a nightmare, but it made me decidedly uncomfortable. I was playing Magic with a couple friends in a suitably unreal real - one of my perfectly-accepted cards was a piece of bacon, go figure. My deck was unfamiliar and looking less than great. The first main attack hit me pretty hard, causing me to lose most of my hand, most of my defenses, and maybe 5 life. And I got up and stormed away in a huff. When it was pointed out I was still in the game, I replied, "I'm dead. My mage jumps off a cliff or something." The whole screw-this-I'm-done attitude left me really uncomfortable. In the meantime, it's time to gather myself and get in to work to cover another morning meeting. The day at work yesterday wasn't bad, it was the two hours afterward at home trying to get a laptop working with remote desktop through the VPN and utterly failing that sapped me of e...