
So, let's see, what have I read lately?

I finished The Spirit Thief... uhh... a couple weeks ago? I wasn't quite sure what to say at the time. One the one hand, there are some characters I would definitely say I like and some I would like to learn more about. I'll also grant that the spirit-based magic system is interesting. On the other hand, some of the escalation in the comeback scenes are a bit much for me, and the main character is actually one of the least interesting/appealing to me of the central cast. Eli Monpress is too "special." Chosen of a goddess, just plain "liked" by spirits so much that they'll do things for him that "normal" mages can't ask, and he generally has this palpable air of plot-immunity. I know a book's protagonist generally isn't going to lose (at least not when it counts), but I found myself finding not even the merest illusion that such an outcome might, maybe be possible. That makes it pretty hard to relate him.

On the other hand, I find it much easier to relate to Aral in Blade Reforged. I've been following the series so far, and I've not been given any reason to stop. While I may not be able to fully sympathize with Aral's struggles with addiction, I find his discussions with Triss about how he's changed very similar to my own self-analysis. And really, I find the relationship between Aral and Triss, Blade and Shade, to be a strength of the series.
The stakes are raised in the opposition, which tends to happen in sequels. I'm not sure how that can progress too much more. Well, okay, I see a couple more possible steps, but still. And Captain Fei, one of my favorite secondary characters, is back. Even the crazy evil scheme, while being pretty crazy and evil, has a certain rationale behind it. There's a lot for me to like about the book.


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