
So, I'm about to have a long weekend because... well, being a salaried employee means I have to take full days off to use vacation time, and I have the cap looming over me almost constantly and a manager who believes losing vacation time due to a cap is bad (albeit not as serious as not being around when needed).

That leaves with two primary options.

I can use the window to leave town, even if just for night or two. I don't have any major goals in mind, but I could drive down to Albuquerque and stay in a hotel. The drive would be positive for me, mentally, and a brief change of scenery wouldn't hurt. I could hit up a restaurant or two we don't have locally, walk a mall, and go to the large book store I like. I could go to the gaming store, but that was horribly disappointing when I found it last time. I could even poke my head into the comic con going on this weekend down there, though there really isn't anytime I'm after.

Or I could stay home. I could maybe pick up a new game to play or sit down for a major Lego project. I could get myself out for some long (for me) hikes, which has a similar mental-refresh component to long drives. I could maybe even fit in a dinner out at a nicer place in town. And... I'd probably end up getting into next week with an easy $200-$300 more than if I choose option #1.


  1. Well, you DO deserve a chance to relax and reboot. There's no arguing that.


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