Books - Catching Up

Let's see, what've I read since the last time?

There was Kitty Rocks the House, yet another in the urban fantasy Kitty Norville series. The simple review is: it's more of the same, which is to say reasonably enjoyable light reading. I still enjoy watching the characters do their things, and there are a few thoughtful points like seeing how Kitty has been "negelecting" her pack some while juggling job and family and everything else. There's also a thread where the good-gal cop is trying to arrest a vampire from out of town on an Interpol warrant, which raises some questions (more in my mind than the characters') about whether strict legal enforcement against the supernatural is really a good idea. Sometimes, it just isn't. For the most part, though, it's simple and fun reading, with no major surprises or twists along the way.

On the other end of that spectrum, perhaps, is a short story that my dad actually pointed me to: Wool. Part one was free via the Amazon Kindle store. That sort of kept me guessing. It's definitely not my usual fare, and I don't think I would use the word "fun" to describe the post-apocalyptic, survivor society in a shelter, story. It did, however, strike me as remarkably well-written. There's a sort of haunting beauty to it that I have to respect and the setting reminded me some of the Vaults in the Fallout series of games. I may have to read the further chapters (cheap IIRC, but they have a cost).

Most recently, I finished Etiquette & Espionage, the first of the Finishing School series. By the author of the Parasol Protectorate series, it's in the same Victorian-with-werewolves-and-vampires setting. I assumed it would be a follow-up of sorts, but it actually surprised me on that point as characters were revealed by taking place prior to the other series. Pretty neat, overall as the main character is drawn into a finishing school for girls that... well, as one might expect from the name, teaches more than just getting by in high society. The call-backs to the other series are pretty good overall, and the story works. So far, I'm liking it.


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