
So let's see... Saturday was a pleasant train ride up to Cascade. The weather was nice. Of course, after five hours of sleep, the rocking of the train was lulling me toward sleep most of the ride back.
We got a little spiel about railroad yard signs from one employee, part of which got me thinking. It wasn't so much the specifics, but the emphasis he placed on historical preservation. That definitely is a part of the organization behind the railroad here, but I can't help but wonder just how much we should be preserving history. While the knowledge of it is vitally important, the practical application seems less so. At what point should people "let go" of something? Hmm...

WoW was quiet, with only half a dozen people on and no real drive toward any group activities. Edit: Wait, I guess we did group up (with a bunch of others) to kill the world boss Nalak. Relatively easy, and I did get a drop technically... even if it was PVP boots.
GW2 saw some more assisting with personal story, and getting down toward the end of that. The drama over guild representation seems to have died down, though the opinions are still there - to me, the discussion felt short and didn't resolve anything, but I guess if people are getting by, it's reasonably okay?

Otherwise... I felt out of sync with people, making the weekend (aside from the train ride) sort of a let down, but that's not unusual really.


  1. I got tired of hitting my head against a brick wall. I figured, if they're not gonna represent, fuck them. I stopped trying to contact them when I log in.. if they're not in guild chat, I've no business trying to talk to them. Hell, our rep points have been steadily going down, so I stopped putting up the boosts for guild members. Only three or four people are benefitting from them, and they cost more than what we're getting back, so screw that, too.

  2. I guess I expected some further discussion as to reason - both why people repped other guilds and why you were upset by this - such that both viewpoints could potentially be understood and some middle ground might be reached. I didn't see any of that, just that they did it and it ticked you off.

  3. Well, I see it as a betrayal of friendship, really.. that's why it bothers me.

  4. I... Well, I have some opinions, but I sort of feel like I'm the wrong person to be having the discussion. I did pick up another guild attachment, but I've spent very, very little time without ARIN set as active. I've seen you offer guild membership to people who you grouped up with for all of a dungeon or an evening's activities, which makes the strength of the value you place on repping seem sort of incongruous to me. I could understand it more if it felt to me like there was more investment on the recruiting end, but I haven't seen that. So it looks sort of like going from a casual "hey, join if you want" to a rather severe "you're not supporting us, you traitor!" or something. I've read a fair number of letters/articles/columns over the years and had some variety of experiences with a guild in WoW. This doesn't make me an expert, but I think I can say with some certainty that one of the very important details to a smooth-running guild is clarity of expectations. If there are rules and responsibilities, members need to actually be aware of them and the less room for misunderstanding, the better (honestly, written and accessible is best, though I've rarely dealt with that personally). It simply isn't fair to come down on someone for stepping outside bounds they didn't even know were there, and conversely, if the rules don't suit someone they can know in advance and avoid committing to them in the first place and finding a better fit to their desires elsewhere.


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