Disturbing Duties

So... with the abrupt departure of one of our accounting people a couple weeks ago, the IT department picked up the job of managing the company timecard system. This is not something I was terribly happy with just on my apparently philosophical belief in distribution of power. I always liked to be able to say "I don't have admin access to that," whenever an audit was done. That really was reason enough for me to want to turn that back over, though it sounds like that won't be the case.

On top of that, I find it... unsettling to now, rather unavoidably, see what my coworkers are being paid. I have not had a moment of jealous fury like I did years ago, but... it does make me feel sort of underpaid. I find it mind-boggling that we have relatively new employees in our online division that make more than five times what I do, simply because that seems like a stupidly-high amount of money to be paying someone when the overall company is cutting costs elsewhere. My own pay... well, when I look at it as an hourly wage, I feel like it's better than average and decent for around here. When I look at it as a yearly amount, though, it seems... rather low. I've only been making changes as they came up and comparing to understand the system, but I have yet to come across a salaried employee who doesn't make probably 30+ percent more than I do now. I'm sort of expecting an increase when I actually do get moved to salary (which should be for this pay period, though administration hasn't sorted out details yet), but... I'm not optimistic enough to think it'll be that much. So I'm trying to take a wait-and-see approach, but I'm not feeling exactly good about what I'm paid right now.

And, with the recent changes, today I deleted almost a dozen people from the timecard system. A few resignations and a number of layoffs. I hope to never have to do that with so many people at once ever again.


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