Work Changes

Well, on the up side, it looks like my job isn't in immediate danger or anything.

Our manager asked us into his office this afternoon and explained he'd lobbied successfully with the general manager and HR to have myself and my co-tech made "professional salaried" employees, rather than paid hourly as we had been.

There are some ups and downs with that. We gain more "official" fluidity over specific hours worked - the bottom line is the job needs to be done, whether that's light on hours of heavy. There's probably a raise involved (though how much, given the other financial concerns, remains to be seen). It's more professional and looks better on a resume, though I'm not exactly planning to make use of that anytime soon. On the down side, we sorta lose "bitching rights" to long hours and we probably become exempt to overtime rules. Whether it's a net gain or loss really depends on details that haven't been fully worked out yet.

In some ways, though, it just feels like acknowledgement of the job we've been doing for years. We don't always pull 40 hours a week, but we always keep things running even if that means going well over that. And we're always on call even if not in the office. So... yeah, that has always felt to me more like a salaried position in concept than hourly anyway.


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