Obligatory Gaming Post

Not really much to report, even with having had a week off work.

WoW is up and running version 5.2. The new dailies aren't bad, but the area is a bit dense and daily quests do get repetitive after a while. Guild turnout has been below raidable levels on Saturdays, so there's no real signs of progress there. The Isle of Giants doesn't much interest me at this point. Aside from the world boss(es), it seems designed for hunters and obsessive pet/mount collectors. I capped Kirin Tor Offensive reputation to no particular fanfare. The Black Prince quests will take a while, having to plug away through LFR. And the first LFR wing of Throne of Thunder opened. There's some difficulty there, and more trash than I might like, but gear level required helps limit the player base (at this point) to those with at least previous LFR experience, so I saw success even on this first week. On the other hand, I ran a couple 5.0 LFR instances that were as bad as I've seen in a long time. The biggest weakness seems to be a lack of experienced/able tanks.

GW2 is GW2. No major play of note. Since our server shifted WVW brackets, it's been daunting to go out there, and we haven't held the Eternal Battleground to even do the puzzle there. I got to see a neat little power armor suit in one of the personal story quests I didn't take, but the quest itself bugged into endless waves of enemies. Blar.


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