General Updates

Work's been distracting from non-work. We've had some shadowing from a board member who's in college - good guy, though it's a minorly awkward interruption to the normal. We've had some abrupt turnover and switching of duties. And this week, my co-tech is out skiing. So, some odd hours and lots on my plate this week.

Back on the weekend... well... WoW was disappointing to me, though we primarily had success stomping through Icecrown Citadel for old achievements. With waning interest and shifting schedules, it seems like a "good" night caps us at 7-8 people, which isn't enough to do MoP raids even if everyone were up to it. Could this be the end of TKP raiding? I don't know, we've bounced back miraculously from low points before. Overall, I'm just trying not to stress about it either way, but I find myself not very motivated to hang around for most of the evening without doing anything that feels like "progress" to me.

In GW2 we took a break from personal story missions to do a little exploring/eventing, but it sort of ended up being a short night Sunday. Our guild leader was upset that people were not representing the guild. It's a sentiment that I can understand, but I think I came to terms with it a while back. Similar to the WoW guild, it's a group founded on friendships of varying degrees more than a common goal/interest within the game. Anytime you have that, there's going to be some gravitation elsewhere. If another guild has more people that regularly do dungeons/PVP/WVW/group events/whatever-you're-into, then there's naturally a pull to get involved in that. GW2 lessens the sting a little by allowing joining of multiple guilds, though you can only "represent" one at a time (earning points for that one and accessing the chat channel, etc.), but I suppose there's still disappointment to be found in seeing a majority of guildmates representing other guilds at a given time. I've generally found it's better to be tolerant of people's interests than to burn bridges, but that's my personality speaking I guess.

The new computer rocks, and remains quiet. I've been using the new Tomb Raider with graphics cranked up to put it through its paces and it handles well. I'm sure I'll have comments on the game in the near future, but I'm not quite done with it yet.


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