Weekend Games

Well, Saturday was sort of a lackluster "raid night" in WoW. Some people not present, one person not healthy, and a roster that's usually tight. And with where I'm at personally, I wasn't particularly eager to push for VP-generating activities. We did group up and take down a quest boss for one person. That was nice because we could do it as a group of between 5 and 10 people, though one player had issues with no seeing the "stop yourself from bleeding to death" extra action button.
The guild's still in an uncomfortable place. We've never quite hit our stride with raiding in MoP, as attrition has outpaced recruitment. Our guild leader stresses out about this entirely too much, in my opinion. While forward progress is great and all, those who are motivated can at least see the raid encounters via LFR these days and I think it's rare that people enjoy spending a night wiping on one or two bosses. As long as we've got a raid group of basically ten people, half of which aren't ready (in gear and psychology/motivation, which go hand-in-hand) for the challenges of normal-mode raiding, we're not likely to get far on that path. I had one person say to me (paraphrasing here): "I'm just not that interested in doing MoP raids in the guild because not enough people are into it enough to get anywhere. That night in Ulduar25 was much more fun." And... maybe that's a better way to spend guild group time. Would it be better to spend time on activities like that rather than ones that might improve characters?

Ironic, perhaps, but I played more GW2 than normal Sunday, yet there wasn't the usual evening run-with-guild leader. Go figure.
I spent some time through the day working toward map completion. That's a big, long-term goal there, and part of making a legendary weapon (not sure if I'm committed to that path). I finished out another three zones, I think, so that's progress, at least.
Then... then someone pointed out that our realm had a lead in WvW, and suggested I go grab some map points there (since those maps count for completion). The overall experience was interesting. On the safe side of the battle lines, you pretty much can run around to points of interest and vistas as you please. There's the threat of running into enemy players, but it's not likely. After a while of this, I was joined by some more PvP-friendly guildmates and got into some of the actual battling. This was actually sort of fun, even though I had little clue what I was doing a lot of the time (I'm a dagger-rogue, what the heck am I supposed to do to people up on that castle wall?). After running around a while, taking and losing some areas, I came out of the whole thing with some repair costs, assorted unimportant drops to sell, and 5 badges of honor. That seems like very few badges for the time involved, when you consider it takes hundreds to get things.
On the down side, it was during one of these WvW skirmishes that my computer shut down. It seems the game, when dealing with a crap-ton of player and abilities, tends to overheat my current desktop. I last saw this during one of the big event battles. Hmmm. I may have to see about reorganizing for better air flow or maybe it's time to start thinking about a new computer?


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