MMO Briefs

Haven't done too much in GW2 lately. Ran the holiday dungeon a few times and picked up some gifts that mostly just take up precious, precious space. I've slacked off in daily-doing because the karma gear just isn't attractive/available enough. Plus, I've been trying to put more attention into MUCK presence, and that's hard to balance.
Weekend meetups are sort-of there (in the sense that I can see one or two people regularly Sunday evening), but there's no organized activity to it.

In WoW I made some heavy use of the raid finder recently, finally finishing out the first part of the Black Prince plotline. Yay, I have a pretty +500 strength sha gem that... I don't have a weapon to socket it into yet. Grr. Both tank sword and DPS axe drop from the Sha of Fear. I actually really like that fight, but having to go through the whole four-boss instance for each attempt is a bit much. Actually, I don't really dislike any of the fights in the Terrace (though Lei Shi's Hide phase leaves me wishing for spammable AOE), but between the queue time and having to actually focus on each fight with little respite between is a notable time investment in an evening.
Edit: Okay, so Thursday night I did get a Kilrak, Jaws of Terror to use whilst tanking. Good sword, lets me use my special gem, but one of the most disturbing weapon models I've seen in the game. If I were playing a death knight or warlock, I might have kept that look, but my paladin had to transmogrify that in short order.
Still no guild raiding on the horizon, as our interested base of people bounces between about 5 and 7.


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