Still Alive

So I went in for an annual exam today (nevermind that it's been more like 14 months than 12, it's still an improvement over waiting years). No major/general problems. A few points discussed.

- Based on the continued (if occasional) appearance of little rashes/blisters between my fingers, I'm getting a referral to an allergist to investigate the possibilities from that side. I've suspected a possible food allergy, but my dietary tweaking hasn't been able to pin down a certain cause.

- We talked about a two-week (or so) period at the end of October when I felt constantly dehydrated and thirsty. I was guzzling 2-3 liters of water on top of that which normally worked into my day (and went to the bathroom with corresponding frequency). While I might not always drink as much water as I should, that was... extreme. Since I don't seem to be going through that anymore, we're taking more a wait and see approach.

- And we chatted a little about depression. Based on my recounting, the doctor said it did sounds like mild depression - not something to truly worry about unless it gets worse. In talking about it, I mentioned I'd taken St. John's Wort before and peceived that it might have helped, but when my down periods last roughly about a week, that's not much time to react. So, for now, I'll try taking that more regularly and see what the longer-term impact is.
One part of that conversation that gave me pause, though, was when he asked if I had friends or family to turn to when feeling depressed and my gut reaction was to think, "Lots of times when it happens, I'm feeling upset with/tired of/burdened by/worried over my friends, which makes it neigh-impossible for me to turn to them for support." That... does sorta suck. >.>

So we'll see where things go...


  1. I've been fighting what seems to be mild depression lately, myself. Usually less than a day at a time, though, so I just keep putting it down to stress or lack of sleep or drama in life (like Grandmom passing). Vitamin D seems to be helping a little, and I want to get one of those "SAD" lights that's supposed to help with replacing the UV happiness I'm not getting at this time of year... If it helps, remember that I'm around if you need me - and I'm not among the folks you see often, so hopefully you aren't sick of me... I'm pretty sure I still owe you, as I'm convinced I would not have made it through at least my first couple of years of college without your support and kindly ear. Just something to remember. :)


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