I Guess...

... I may have needed the reminder that when I think "nothing good will come of my comments on this topic," I'm usually right. Maybe I'm lucky I've only really shot myself in the foot mood-wise.

Alien-y dreams this morning. Something about a Ripley who could change into an Alien teaming up with a human version of Winona Ryder from Resurrection trying to escape a Company compound that was almost video game-like and eventually switching consciousnesses between bodies along the way. *shrugs*

The end of next week should be the big switch to new software in the circulation department at work. May mean extra hours then and over the weekend, though it really doesn't seem like local IT is a large player outside getting databases copied for conversion. We'll see.

Edit: How is it that it seems any day I go through feeling like crap, thinking "Well, maybe I can go home early when my co-tech gets here," he'll invariably call in saying he's going to be late for one reason or another?

Couldn't muster any appetite, so skipped lunch. Not even really hungry now, at 4pm, though I feel the fatigue associated with not having eaten. Joy.


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