Cabin in the Woods

There are things I could talk about which wouldn't be very spoilery, but would sound like it. Ultimately, Joss Whedon + self-aware-ish horror movie doesn't seem all that special to me. I like some of his work, but I'm no Whedonite or whatever. And when advanced reviews sounded positive, I thought about seeing it a little more seriously, but they've led me astray before.

But the movie was actually pretty darn good. It even breaks one of my usual "rules" of movie reviewing to say that, but it really is. Some nice laughs, most of the usual horror tropes, some degree of actually making sense (though there are always unanswered questions if you dig deep enough). Good movie.

Addendum: I had someone ask me "is it scary?" Well... uhh... that's a matter of perspective, naturally. I feel anyone remotely familiar with your typical horror movie formula will find most of the horror elements to be predictable (or perhaps more accurately, deliberately telegraphed). So the only surprise-scare to me was really when they popped up the title abruptly, of all things.
But if you're the sort that watches a horror movie and can't sleep soundly for three days because your subconscious is churning out twisted scenerios with the monsters you've seen, then yeah, there's no reason this movie will be any safer than others.


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