Working Through the Stack...

First up, Blood of the Demon, sequel to a novel I read about a year ago. Some progression, some revelations, but... eh... not improving my view of the series. Maybe lessening it slightly. It's a little heavy on the romance-y relationship aspects, playing the female lead between two males-of-interest. I still sort of like the demons here, though I didn't see any major reveals about them and their place in things as with the previous book. So the series goes back on my "maybe" list going forward.

Then there was Angels of Darkness, an anthology.
The first story had vampires working for angels in territorial control over real world areas - I understand the author has a series of this. Waaay too romance-heavy for me, with two newly-met characters having deep reactions to one another and... yeah. The story itself wasn't enough to win me over. Meh, at best.
The fourth and final story in there, on the other hand, went fairly heavy on the romance, but it was between two characters that had a history, making it at least a little more believable. And angel-empowered Guardians hunting demons made for a more interesting story. Decent, at least.
The third felt like a nice story in general. The world seemed more fictional/fantasy than the typical overlay on reality seen in urban fantasy. A trouble-prone woman befriends and restores the confidence of a blind angel.
The second, though, was my favorite. Written by the authors of the Kate Daniels series, it's a totally different world with only very tenuous connections at all to the angel theme. Rather it's full of superhuman mutants waging a shadow war to defend/destroy humanity. There are some questionable aspects - particularly in how the main character is saved/abducted into slavery by the "good guys." And if this were given a more thorough treatment, some details would have to be ironed out, but the imaginative basis is there and I could very much see it as a setting for an RPG.

I think that brings me down to two unread books on hand. I may have to get some more soon.


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