
I pretty much ignored the Superbowl. And got up today to a respectable amount of snow on the ground - thankfully light enough that it hasn't been back-breaking to clear.

WoW was an evening of dungeon-running for me. Our guildleader got in a Firelands raid to get a little bit more progress toward Dragonwrath. An hour or two after our usual start time, we had a good number of people on (8 85's and 2-3 lower-level), but I think it would have been a rough group to raid with, light on the healing, and several people weren't real interested anyway. The vague possibility is there.

GW was the Canthan New Year, so we did a few holiday quests and hung out for the finale, opening a bunch of prizes to get... not one celestial dragon so far as I know. Ah well. No telling what we'll do next week. Winds of Change side quests that I didn't pay any attention to?

Some more time with SWTOR, mostly solo but with a little paired trooper/smuggler play. There seem fewer non-inclusive cut scenes than I remember form beta testing, but there are still a few and there was one point at which some quests were available to one character, but not another, until we ran way back to the Senate tower to turn in a class quest for the latter.
I've found myself considering the faction-mirroring a lot. Sometimes it's a little disappointing: I hoped for some different space missions, but they seem the same selection/pattern just with the friendly/target ships swapped (Imperial capital ships have their weapon batteries in nice, convenient-to-target lines). Sometimes it's eerie: my Guardian and my Agent have done quests in the same geographical spots on Taris, showing that the Empire came along and took control of exactly the same outposts (all the stranger because I saw the Imperial part first even though it comes later chronologically).
Some more general thoughts... Melee feels limiting. I terribly miss the utility my Agent has (stealth, vanish, healing, multiple interrupts, stuns...) when playing either Trooper or Guardian. Itemization can be weird still (cunning on an assault cannon?). I liked the hooded robe look until I got one and saw it seems to replace hair, now I want something else.

Tried a little RP with my new character on Furryfaire, but... eh... not getting into it. Perhaps things are too forced, as she really doesn't have anyplace to fit in aboard a ship. It doesn't help that the other characters present seem largely paired-off or in their own little world of crazy (at least it looks that way from where I sit), plus the fact that I seem to come in "late" most nights. Ah well, we'll see how that goes.


  1. Balmorra sure does look different as a Republic person going through it compared to Imperial

  2. As in "same place, different situation/people" or just totally different? I'd be inclined to think the former, not having seen it yet. My understanding of worlds that aren't in sync between factions story-wise: - Taris occurs early for Republic, then Imperials come later on and turn it into a big waste of Republic time. - Balmorra occurs early for Imperials, then the Republic re-invades. - Corellia occurs at the end for both sides, with the Imperials staging a seemingly-successful invasion only to have Republic reinforcements stage a counter-attack immediately afterward. I'm fuzzy on how some of the worlds play out, though some like Voss can probably occur simultaneously as there isn't a big gain/loss by either say (that I've seen yet, at least). Taris really threw me, though, because it's basically a totally different, faction-specific instance of the same map (I assume at least Balmorra is too). I know I didn't see many opposite-faction players much while playing my Agent, but I didn't realize they did that with so many world zones.


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