Quick roundup again.

WoW saw the finishing out of Ulduar hard modes, and the resulting drakes for 5 people or so. We may do some of it again for others, but it's hard to say what we'll do as the lack of a complete raid goes on. Haven't been spending much other time on there as there doesn't feel a need to cap VP if I don't need 397 gear and I don't like the blue PVP set as much as the red.
We got through another couple missions in GW last night, leaving two in the current Winds of Change chain. There's talk about press in the GW2 beta next month, a more open beta around April, and a release sometime in 2012.
My SWTOR agent is level 47, so nearing the end of the class story. I'm amused at just how much it's instilled the attitude of "the Sith suck" - my character is fighting a war and uncovering conspiracies while the Sith of the Dark Council keep getting in the way. Had a couple people I know online start characters on the server, too, so I could potentially end up in a guild. Though I don't really see myself doing heavy group/endgame play at this point.


  1. Semi-Open or Open Beta in March/April. @Whee! :D

  2. I said that, didn't I? *double-checks* Yeah...

  3. I am amused the Agent's story is "Sith suck" where I keep seeing for BH and Sith characters that I have to work with incompetent or otherwise failures of the military, including the Intelligence frequently. Seems the Empire should just collapse in on itself.

  4. Big galaxy, plenty of room for screw-ups? ;) A major part of the Agent's arc is tracking down and uncovering a group that's manipulating both Republic and Empire - sometimes helping and sometimes hindering - to prevent either side from ever winning a war and controlling the whole galaxy. It starts as uncovering terrorist cells and grows from there. The Agent's immediate superior(s), Keeper, want this group found. The Dark Council, at various stages, tends to view this as a waste of resources chasing "shadows" and hinders that mission, and they're really the only ones who have the pull to get in the Ministry of Intelligence's way. So that's where the main view comes from. Then most of the world (rather than class) missions seem to involve helping out the military (usually led by Sith) to score some wins on a planet where they've been stymied. Occasionally there's a mission to help an Intelligence agent in there, but those seem a minority to me.


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