Further Reading

It's a little belated, but after receiving The Jedi Code for Christmas, I read through it bit by bit over a couple weeks. Interesting for Star Wars fans, though nothing revolutionary. It's sort of a compilation of all the information on Jedi philosophy built into an in-character manual written toward Jedi. It is written in sections that are sort of "Welcome, youngling, here is what to expect" and "now that you're a padawan, here is what to expect" and so on. The information, as said, is more collected than created, and the previous best sources for such things also included game rules, whereas this does not. The margin notes add perspective from several major series characters that are generally entertaining even if it's a bit hard to believe one text would be passed down between all those characters (and I think I saw an Anakin note that was incorrectly signed Ahsoka).

I also recently finished reading a borrowed copy of Side Jobs (compilation theme?). Mostly short stories printing in anthologies, it's further tales of the Dresdenverse, and exactly what you would expect if familiar with the Dresden Files. T'was an enjoyable read in general, including early jobs and stuff between the books including a LARP gone bad. The stand-out stories to me, however, were one written from Thomas' point of view (which was reasonably good) and Aftermath written from Murphy's point of view. Both gave a little perspective of how frighteningly awesome Harry Dresden can look from other eyes. I really enjoyed the story of the latter, because it dug into a particular part of the plotline that needed it - while Harry is out of the picture. I'm a little disappointed Molly didn't appear and I think the story might have put a little too much (typical for Dresden stories) physical hurt on a lead character who's well and truly mortal, but it was still good overall.


  1. When you get to reading Ghost Story, if you haven't, you'll know where Molly is in regards to Aftermath.

  2. Mmm. It's been a while, I'll admit my recollection is fuzzy as to what she was doing in those first couple days. I don't think she's be off training or pulling her new persona routine yet... This is the problem with a long, ongoing series that I've only read once - memory failure. >.>

  3. If anyone is reading this LJ and has not yet read Ghost Story, please stop, spoilers follow: . . . . . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Harry died, Molly got taken in by Leandhsidhe immediately to take up her training iirc


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