
If my count is correct, I went through 39 novels in 2011. I've wanted to get back to reading more, and I consider that a success.

Last night's Witchcraft-turned-Dresden Files tabletop game was... remarkable. Why? Because we went on a stealth mission that actually worked. Usually one failed roll means all hell breaks lose. Instead, we managed to fight a couple harpies outside in a storm. One survivor of the pair did claw its way inside and sound an alarm, but we managed to evade from there, find the prisoner we were after (and one we weren't) and get back to where we boarded the ferry without otherwise being seen. We even finished out the session by distracting the gunmen redcaps on deck with summoned tigers and leaping off to land (roughly but safely, via wind spell) on our own boat to make our getaway. Woo!
I did a lot of "unsafe" casting in the session. Previously, I'd been looking at shift levels in my Conviction/Discipline range, but veiling a group took more power than that, which meant stress from casting and stress from backlash to get the spells off cleanly. It works better than I had thought, since stress goes away reasonably quickly, but it would have been somewhat self-defeating in combat.
Compels remain a part of the game we have difficulty with and thaumaturgy can get overly complicated...

I've looked before, but poking around this morning at online maps and school/park listings, I actually found the old apartments I once lived in out in Anaheim and the nearby park. I'll have to check those out.

SWTOR is being a pain for me the last few days. I've been plagued by the (infamous, if the forum is to be believed) Error 9000 disconnects. My suspicion is this isn't 100% the game's fault, but that the game is somehow more sensitive to latency spikes than most programs. Then again, I didn't see it happen at all the first week or so, so many there is another factor involved. Either way, it makes it hard to play and get into when you can lag out and drop at any time, then possibly have to sit through a queue to get back in.


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