Inertia's a Bitch

I've rambled on about it before, but I find myself once again considering the connection between interest/investment in something and the enjoyment gotten out. And right now, both seem pretty low as far as group gaming prospects online...

The last few weeks have definitely been "down" on WoW. That's highly complicated because my main focus on play there is based on group/guild activities. That means other people's involvement impacts my enjoyment. I've always tried to maintain myself at the forefront, keeping my tank gear set up in the top few of the guild as far as gearing and brushed up on tactics as best I can so if the guild is pushing forward in raiding, I'm as ready as I can be. But when I perceive less interest on the part of others in the group, I start asking myself why I should be trying so hard.
Right now, we might be seeing the extreme manifestation of that with our lack of healers. A fairly recent join who had healed some through our Firelands just left the guild I hear. One of our early FL healers pretty much said he's leaving the game for SWTOR and another implied he'd be spending at least less time on WoW. There's really only one main raid healer who hasn't left or given indication he would, but given his connection to some others, I wouldn't be surprised. Meanwhile, we've had one would-be healer join, but with a new character so they're nowhere near ready. And turnout in general has seemed poor the last couple weeks. Holidays are a factor, I'm sure, but... eh... I feel there's a lack of interest in the guild beyond a core 4-6 people. That makes guild raiding impossible.
It doesn't help that the one WoW player I could chat with at work - he was no longer in our guild, but it was nice to be able to talk shop and compare experience - has quit the game.
Things may shape up after New Year's, but I don't think I'm holding my breath at this point. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if that annual pass was a good idea. I always said I'd probably only leave WoW if the guild fell apart and that feels more possible now than it has in a long time.

Furryfaire lingers once again in limbo. Officially under new management as of January 1st, I haven't seen any signs of plans to come save some indecisive talk about a game system that was in sketchy early draft form. I've seen a few more people who seem to be playing, but find it hard to get myself motivated to do anything. None of this really represents a change in status from my point of view, merely the same as it has been.
I am, in some ways, afraid to commit to putting a new main character out there in what I feel is the right way (meaning being willing to actually run RP with and around them). It feels like too much work when by the time I log in, I'm usually finding myself with barely enough mental energy to be in-character, much less to be multiple characters, setting scenes, and running reactions.
Maybe if I started, I could build up enough internal interest to think about through the day, to anticipate playing, and thereby to enjoy playing. But getting to the self-sustaining point is daunting to say the least...

And being pushed to make a WoD character for another MUCK got me feeling like I wanted to do something with her. But after sitting for a week, such interest on my part is waning. By the time the MUCK is actually there enough to support any play, I wonder if momentum will have ground down to a standstill.



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