Weekend Commentary

What's to say? Weekends are still too short. I probably should have gotten out a bit more - hike, bike, something. Though as I think about it, last week was so rainy that mud was a consideration. And I've decided to try cable internet out, the timing being somewhat ironic as the phone company is just offering DSL speed increases. Still, cable offers "faster" for similar price (if cheaper for the first year), so we'll see how that goes. If it works okay, I'll downgrade my current ISP service to "email only" - at least for a while, though I really can't imagine how many placed I'd have to change that address I've had for years.

Also, Aliens is still a great movie, though the censoring on AMC really throws me off.

WoW went pretty well. There was some minor drama partway through, and several people bristle under the inevitable AFKs, but we made pretty good time on what we did, getting to see the beginning of the Ragnaros fight. My DPS in Retribution spec isn't outstanding, but it's respectable and having our other tank solo Rhyolith, Baleroc, and Staghelm tanking duties worked out fine - it's definitely a different perspective for me and I know there's room for improvement in rotation on my end. We actually saw three random BOE drops - I haven't seen that many in one run since before they reduced the drop rates, and I picked up two of them. Neither is a game-changer, but both are minor improvement and now I have a ton of trinkets to choose from. Aieee!

GW went okay. Mind you, my definition of "doing really well" does not include pulling multiple packs of Afflicted and dying. :p Still, we eventually put down one more Winds of Change mission. I think that leaves another three in part one, and part two was just recently released. Overall, though, I don't see the same charm to the missions as my more GW-centric friends do. 'tis a matter of perspective, and perhaps investment, I guess.

Continuity Issues

A conversation I had yesterday (I think?) had me considering difficulties in some Furryfaire continuity stuff. My thoughts have been a little more general, but I can't really discuss them without going into specifics.

See, long ago, I envisioned the character Caelan S'yalin - son of one of at-the-time active characters - as a shadow-aligned rogue, deft with daggers and possessing the supernatural bloodlines that run thick in that family. I first pictured him as a teen/young adult. So at some point when brainstorm/RPing with kyn_elwynn, who's had an interest in RPing that generation as grown up even though it was 15-20 years ahead of where Furryfaire was at the time, I put forth said character into some scenes.

Naturally, this continuity was based on some then-canon and assumptions based on it. One of the big ones was Miseo as Mayor of the Shirelands and Blue Wizard. This made using the Crimson Paw as the thiefy order suitable - Kyn's intimately familiar with it, and Miseo's ties make it more than just a thieves' guild, but also something akin to MI6 or special forces for the Shirelands. So Cael became an agent of the Paw. Whee!

Somewhere along the way, I was feeling pressured to do something even a little bit "new" back on Furryfaire with kueidan. The idea that came to mind at the time was a "what if" variant of Caelan in his younger days, a bit more given to his demonic/nephilim/whatever tendencies. To me, this felt like an alternate timeline - not worse or anything, but it was a different version of the character than the "primary" one in my head. And I'm fairly sure by then Miseo was already no longer Blue Wizard, which is a relatively major plot point variance to my perception. I'm sure there are other, more minor, things that have changed since that particular future was drafted.

And that's all fine until you try to reconcile the two without prior discussion. Then you have one person assuming one plotline and one person assuming something else. Both could be "true" in the absence of the other, but merging them... urgh. I guess maybe I could try to roll all that together, but I'd really rather not have to. At this point, I'm not really sure there's enough interest from all parties that I really need to make the effort to make it all match, but it's a conversation that might have been nice to have an advance.

Ah well.


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