
Not an unusual state. Feels like it's been a busy day, though, including running through the gauntlet of Toshiba tech support by phone (for a laptop at work) and another bite adjustment at the dentist (@whee!). Looks like Wednesday gaming and a bunch of new laptops to be phasing in at work.

Yesterday, I was pretty down. Bleh. No particular good reason for it, but I seem to have been plagued less by such depression this year, at least. Guild Wars was an uninspiring run through a couple zones I've done... half a dozen times? Feels like more.

Saturday's WoW raid was similar to the week before - 6/7 down in Firelands. This time, though, we had trouble with Rhyolith rather than Alysrazor (which is sort of preferable as even a good Alys fight takes 10+ minutes), due to problems getting a good DPS balance between boss and adds. And after some discussion, I'm polishing off my Retribution set to be better able to switch roles myself. 'course our chief death knight sets a high bar I don't know if I can reach, but I think I can hold my own.


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