
Well, more work-suckage last night. Not getting a program to work right - I have no idea how the software can install seamlessly about half the time I do it and give me so much trouble the rest of the time. Then slow connection with our remotely-hosted system that appears to have been due to some latency about midway between them and us on the internet.

Interesting dream this morning, though.

I was some sort of secret agent with a partner sneaking into the home of a wealthy person we were wanting info on. He drove off from this manor in the woods and we snuck in through a secret passage. While sneaking around, recording what was on his answering machine and looking for clues, someone drove up. Both of us ducked into a little secret room we'd found - not quite a panic room, but hidden behind a closet with screens showing camera views and a concealed view of the living room. Two people we thought to be related in the... whatever we were investigating came in, talking. A third person showed up shortly thereafter. The new guy heard us in some way, so was walking closer to investigate, small handgun drawn.

So there we were, him straining to see us, us trying not to be seen... and finally he did catch a glimpse. I jumped through the (relatively flimsy, actually) door, taking his reflexive gunshot on my body armor and knocking him down while putting two rounds in him with my own silenced pistol. We took the other two into custody while calling in for extraction.

And that's about where I woke up.


  1. Do you want the Mission Impossible theme or the James Bond one?

  2. Based on the feel, I think I'd have to go with newer Bond.


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