Fang Check

So while I had a dental cleaning last week, today was my first real exam - full x-rays, periodontal exam, etc. So after 18 years or so of no check-ups, the verdict?

Two small cavities to fill next week, caught before they're worryingly serious, and some warning signs that I may grind my teeth when I sleep. Everything else was deemed cosmetic.

That isn't perfection, but I count it pretty darn good and the dentist and his staff seemed to agree. It's also about in line with my experience as a kid, where I'd walk out with a clean bill of health and my friends seemed to get fillings left and right.

I'm not big on health rituals, but the one thing that really did sink in was to brush daily! Since working alternating night shifts for the last several years, I'm averaging more like 1.5 times a day. A few years ago, I added a rinse to that. Flossing wasn't part of that routine for me, but I'm making it so. It's one habit that appears to have paid off, all told.


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