Thoughts of Wandering...

I need a vacation?

With a coworker coming back from time off for a five day raft trip and a friend recently touring with the circus, I'm looking at the calendar and noting that I haven't had any notably time off this year. I have this itch to go somewhere and do something, but it's hard to find anything of interest that doesn't price well out of my comfort zone.

Visit someone? Well... that seems to be in the range of 3+ days of driving or taking a plane. The latter edges into that price issue and just plain isn't all that pleasant. Gas may not be cheap, but I'd vastly prefer a roadtrip for personal comfort and thinking time. And if I'm driving somewhere that far, it means probably only a couple days worth of visit, which seems a bit short for the travel.

See something? Well, I don't know, there aren't a whole lot of places I feel compelled to visit. I do have some urge to go to Anaheim and see if some old places are still there whilst perhaps hitting up Disneyland for a day (which still isn't cheap, but might be doable). It's still a pretty long drive, though, which makes me consider the worth of such a trip.

I can think of a handful of places that I might like to go to or eat at in Albuquerque and Denver. Both of those are fairly close, but I have trouble justifying an actual trip for that.

As with before, I wracked my brain and the internet for conventions and the like happening in the near future, but nothing really strikes my fancy so much. Comic-Con would be an experience, but that's short notice and... seems to be sold out. There's actually a furry con in Denver in August, but... without anyone I know there, that seems more something worth a peek for a couple hours than a visit. There's a sci-fi con in Albuquerque at the end of August, but... similar feelings go with that.

Part of me is tempted to just take a week or two off and go drive. It's more about getting away from the norm, after all, than a destination. Yet, I think that's a little bit too random for me.


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