Somewhat Eventful

Sunday, whilst playing Guild Wars, my wireless router died. Annoying to have to replace that, but what can you do?

Today, I worked an extra hour and a half. Mostly, I put in that time to make sure something got done and to give the other tech some time to work on things he... really needs to be working on. Tsk.

Looks like gaming Friday night. Though with the lack of people with games prepared, it may be a "board game" night.

Saturday morning, I actually "have to" get up to go see a 10 am showing of Harry Potter. It's prior to the regular theater opening and for company employees/guests. I can't help but think the theater cut a deal for their advertising costs, as sponsored movies seems rather out of the blue otherwise. Still, hey... free movie I probably would have seen anyway. Then there's raiding in the evening, hopefully to down Al'Akir with a guild group and maybe see what the Firelands is like.

Sunday, I'm fleeing! Planning an overnight trip to Albuquerque, which isn't a big vacation but it gets me out of town briefly and such. I anticipate being able to GW from the hotel, but the price was notably cheaper that night, so I didn't want to put it off.

Then I can come back sometime Monday and still have Tuesday and Wednesday off work. Again, it's still not a real vacation, but it's a break at least. Should help clear my head a bit.


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