(WoW) No Raid Weekend

Been a while since it's happened, but... with one healer injured offline, another apparently not wanting to heal, and others not showing because of that... no raid tonight. I'm a bit bummed about this. I don't mind the time off in theory, but not finding out until the last minute is terribly disappointing.

Ah well. What can you do?


  1. I've been trying to pin down just why this bothered me so much... We've cancelled raids at the last minute without knocking me into a funk before. It's disappointing, yes, but not disruptive to my whole weekend. So I think it has to do more with the smaller elements adding up. Looking at a rough timeline: - Knowing one healer has been waning in enthusiasm, another was hurt at work (though I last heard "might be on Saturday"), and our raid leader might be a bit late, I logged on to see three other people in the guild on. - As the half hour prior to normal raid time slips away, there's discussoin about prospects, but no one else shows up. - Right around the scheduled time, one of the people on mentions that they heard "about an hour ago," that neither of the iffy healers would be on, that two other people decided they wouldn't come because of that, and that the raid leader "was tired." - About twenty minutes after raid time, our guild leader scrambles on worried he'd be late... but no one else has shown up. So it isn't that things were cancelled at the last minute. It's that some people decides the raid was cancelled earlier and they didn't inform the rest of us. I can understand the healers' positions, but I feel seriously let down that they did not convey (in any manner that reached me) that they wouldn't be around. I feel let down that the one person who was online and seemed "in the know" didn't say anything about it for half an hour or so. I feel let down that the raid leader... didn't lead. It sounds like they were aware nothing would happen, but they didn't bother to cancel the event on the calendar or pass word (again, in any way that reached me). And I think that's what got to me - not the lack of raid so much as the disappointment in guildmates who... I feel should have shown more effort and consideration toward informing others. :/


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