(WoW) A Remark on 4.1

In discussing WoW with a coworker (and former guild member), I had a realization regarding the upcoming patch: it's content appeal is going to be short-lived (at least for me).

Now, I agree with him that I'm eager to see it go live. There's a number of mechanics tweaks that I am looking forward to (and at least one that makes me go "awwww"). That's good. There are two new heroic dungeons that will help 1) accumulate valor points, 2) lead to more maelstrom crystals and 3) get epic drops in gear slots that have been hard to fill for anyone less than a "cleared it all many times" raider. That's good. I really have no complaints about what the patch brings.

But... Those two new dungeons are in their own random queue. So each time you go for an 'advanced random' you get one of these two dungeons. After a couple weeks of that (or even days for some, given the random rewards are now weekly rather than daily), I don't see how you could not be tired of them. And 10+ runs ought to be enough to get the drops wanted for any one character, at least. I've only got one that I'm keeping geared. Even if I don't hit things that hard I don't 4.1 content being of much interest to me past a few weeks. ... This seems strange for some reason.


  1. A quest chain, 2 dungeons related to the quests, new pets, new mounts, extra archaeology projects, class changes, a less "daily" feel to running heroics and can chain heroics for Valor, incentive for tanking PuGs, guild challenges, some more cooking and fishing dailies in the other two major cities, and a buncha PvP stuff you don't care about. Also, it means Firelands will be "around the corner" for some new content.

  2. Lots of nice little things, but as far as new content... pretty much the dungeons and related quests for one character as far as I'm concerned. Could eventually get other characters to it, granted. PuGging isn't any more appealing. None of the archaeology projects that are added seem very interesting to me (though that tanking shield would have been nice a while back and I am looking forward to the vaguely mentioned ability to focus on a specific race in some way).


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