And the Rest

What else? tashiro did a Tarot reading for me online. It was... about what I predicted. Mind you, I'm not big on Tarot, but the general layman's view is "reading the future" right? This was more a reading of a present situation that I've already over-analyzed and isn't any secret to him. So there weren't any new insights for me. If I were playing skeptic, I wouldn't be convinced. But that wasn't the point of the exercise. In the end, it made me a bit moody the last couple days, not unlike my own periods of introspection.

The situation in question also had me reminiscing about my lapsing out of the SCA. I find myself wondering: if things had gone differently, would I still be involved today? Moot point for me, but it could theoretically be a message to others to not take volunteers for granted. Or maybe just a lesson in my own pride, I'm not sure.

I recently borrowed and more recently finished Red Dead Redemption. 'tis a pretty good game, overall, capturing the feel of the setting. It's a rough and tumble Wild West and... well, pretty much everyone's a bastard. The story is reasonably solid. The main character is appropriately short-tempered with people using him. The ending is... good, and I don't think I would have changed it. There's plenty extra I could do, but I'm satisfied with it.

Last week, I was pondering the possibilities of a road trip somewhere. Reality sucks, though. There isn't much reason to go anyplace I could go. And once you get past a day or two of driving in one direction, it becomes even rougher as I probably wouldn't have much more than a week off to work with. I considered various major cons or events, but I rarely make good use of them anyway, save as shopping opportunities. There was a time I really wanted to go to Gencon, but now the idea doesn't really excite me. Am I really going to get involved in events and seminars? Probably not. So... bleh. I still feel I should take some time off fairly soon, but I have no idea what to do with it that might be enjoyable beyond the norm and won't break me financially.


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