(WoW) Wait... No 4.1 Raid?

Seems word's getting out that the Firelands raid won't be in patch 4.1. That's... interesting, though raises some other questions.

I suppose it helps explain why there at two 5-man heroic dungeons coming with that patch that drop gear that's half a tier higher than current heroics. I sort of understand and agree with the sentiment that most of the player base has not been through the current tier of raids. But it begs the question of future timeline and little things like what happens with valor points. It's been said valor points will get bumped down to justice points, but if there's no new raid, there's probably no new full-tier of equipment, so current valor gear will continue to be top-of-the-line - thus no need to downgrade points. It also means 4.1 is probably not as far off as has been estimated (though it still did just recently hit the PTR, so there's some time yet).

Wacky turnabout, considering 3.1 was Ulduar (a positively gargantuan raid) and the early Argent Tournament daily quests. That patch didn't even have new 5-man content.

I'm not sure I believe this was fully "as intended." There are interal benefits splitting some content up and spreading it out, but I can't help but wonder how much pressure there is from external sources. Blizzard, as a company, isn't stupid. Flashing new content (even on the PTR) at the time of another MMO (Rift) probably isn't coincidence. And with a couple more big-name games coming up in the next year (give or take), there may be some simple business sense behind rationing content releases.


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