(WoW) Raid Update

I had a lot of concerns about whether we would have enough people, but it worked out. Magmaw went down in our first try. Omnitron Defense System went down on our third, when we adopted the rather unusual tactic of me tanking the shielded golem rather than switching to the new-activated one.

Useful note: the 'trons' infamous shields only last ten seconds or so. It "forces" the target switch and makes it a pain to interrupt arcanotron, but does not remain up for the entire "phase."

We took a few swings at Chimaeron, which is pretty wild as far as incoming damage and not very forgiving. We made some more serious attempts at Maloriak, struggling with interrupt timing and even running into her enrage once (and close other times). The add timing we were getting down, but it still seemed overall we were not getting in enough DPS, considering how long it was taking. I'm not sure if we should push to do more there, or start poking other bosses. There's some concern over raid awareness/movement, and if that's the case I think Altramedes (the other boss in Blackwing Descent on this level) will probably wipe the floor with us.

I still wish we didn't have our death knight tanking - not because they lack in any way as a tank, but because I think they contribute more greatly as DPS. I appear to be becoming our "interrupt tank," which would have been inconceivable just a few weeks ago due to Avenger's Shield's inconsistent cooldown. I don't mind the role, and I'm getting better with my Rebukes, though it does sometimes mean there's a crazy amount of stuff to keep track of.


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