SW: Knight Errant

Another book down, a tale of a Jedi behind enemy lines waging a guerilla war against the Sith. Pretty enjoyable, though certain details of the writing style (shifting between direct quote and narrated explanation) bug me and much of the book left me thinking "I think I want to see more Narsk."

Kerra Holt is definitely more a warrior Jedi than a peacekeeper, but that's the depiction for the era some thousand years before the Clone Wars. More interesting, perhaps, is the portrayal of the Sith. I'm not sure whether to say the book is an interesting insight into some Sith philosophies, or an interesting take on them - that depends on how canon you consider Star Wars novels to be, I suppose.

But the book gives a tour of three different territories held by three different Sith Lords. Seen through the eyes of a Jedi, there are certain similarities and distinctions. Different sorts of control, different sorts of fear, and hope from different quarters. From her prespective, though, all three lack something vitally valuable to life: joy.

Edit: I also feel it's worth noting that the book included a much greater variety of species than I typically see in non-visual Star Wars medium. That's a mixed blessing as some of them are hard to visualize from a text description, but it's awful neat to see more than just humans and one or two other things running around.

Side Note: I have picked up The Wise Man's Fear, though I'm a little afraid to start in on it now for reasons someone other than myself has already gone into.


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