Chasing the Wind...

Stepping outside this morning, I experienced a sense of... I don't know. "Stillness" was the word that came to mind, though there was a light breeze and there were birds to be heard.

I finished The Wise Man's Fear over the weekend. I don't know if I can say it was worth waiting four years for (and I hope we don't have to wait that long for part three), but it's definitely an awesome book and lives up to The Name of the Wind. Simplicity. School life. Beauty. Adventure. Emotion. All there. I found the bit with the Adem fascinating (especially when referring to how outsiders talk too much). The fae bit even had me rhyming one night (only for a few lines, but with really no effort). I get the sense that the tale being told is nearing the end of Kvothe's time at the University, though he's only left in a temporary sense within this volume. That leaves me thinking there must be a lot left to tell and makes me wonder if it can all be fit properly within a third book. I guess we'll see. Kvothe checks off a few things on his list of accomplishments, as it were, but most of the big questions remain, such as the details around the title of Kingkiller. I greatly look forward to book three, though I think I'll want to reread the first two prior to it, even if it doesn't take another four years to be published.

And not to slight any of the others, but I think Devi may be my favorite character.


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