The Norm

Yesterday was a more normal day at work (and I hope that extends through today). There were things to do, but I wasn't facing several things at once. There are lingering questions about the phone system, but the "big project" part of it is past.

But even at that, I'm still carrying weariness and stress from Monday. One night just isn't enough for me to recover these days, unless it's perfect. Monday night certainly wasn't. So even last night, I wasn't in much mood to play or be creative, and ended up going to sleep early. It often only takes one rough work day to thusly unbalance me for the week.

This is, perhaps, my "normal" state these days. I'm not depressed, though it might not be difficult to get there from here. But nor am I feeling chipper or creative. The thought of running an RPG/scene (be it for one person or several) sounds like work, and thus isn't appealing. If an idea comes to mind that I want to see played out, that's different, but inspiration doesn't come to me on demand. Running a heroic WoW dungeon can be iffy (if I can even consider a couple hours "free" in the evening) - I could come out of it feeling accomplished or further drained, depending on how it goes.

I'm not voicing this to gripe, per se. But if some friends have wondered why I'm not very eager to play in some way (or volunteering to take over a MUCK, or whatever), this is often where I'm coming from. Even without a crisis or a bad day, I'm usually just not recovered from the last one.


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