Game Comments

So in GW, we're down to the last mission and a half in the War in Kryta. We might be done next weekend. Some of the missions are still a hassle either in running or sheer quantity of things to go through, but... I'm looking forward to finishing it at least.

In WoW, I'm working on archaeology with one character - that's not quite as boring as fishing, but involves a ton of travel time. I'm keeping up with dailies on my main and watching reputations gains, seeming to be the first one to revered with the guild (tip: use the armory to track weekly contribution to the guild and try to reach the cap each week) and nearly exalted with Ramkahen. Heroic Lost City seemed fairly easy. Heroic Stonecore seemed fairly hard (which is annoying, as there are three drops of worth there for me still), though should be a little easier since I seem to have learned things about the Orzuk fight. Heroic dungeons in general are daunting to me at the moment less because of difficulty and more because of time. Queueing for a random heroic dungeon means committing to anywhere between half an hour (if you get the shortest dungeons and best of groups) to more like three hours of play. One dungeon can take the time commitment we were spending once a week on raids - doing one after work can mean that's all I really do with my evening (thusly, I'm not doing that daily). And we set foot in the Bastion of Twilight raid, got one nice upgrade dropped from trash, and wiped repeatedly on the first boss. I think we have a little ways to go yet before regular raiding.

Things are fairly slow for me on MUCKs right now. I was asked last night what might help, and answered "a vacation." I do find that time away leads to me having more ideas of things to do in ongoing games. Such ideas may or may not survive once I get back to "the grind," but I think no-pressure time to let my mind wander aids in inspiration. Usually, my mind is cluttered with work or games or whatever, and the feeling that I need to be doing something now. In that situation, coming up with new and interesting ideas doesn't really happen - I feel I have to try to force it, and that often fails. ... But then, I'm not sure how to do this more regularly, either. I can't go away for a week every month. And the other problem is that time "alone" to think can also go the other way and be depressing.


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